Lithium batteries power a wide variety of devices and equipment. 这包括当你转动钥匙(或按下按钮)启动你的汽车或卡车时提供火花. They have a high capacity, provide a large number of charge cycles, and are a low-maintenance battery.

Unfortunately, 如果处理不当,特别是在运输时,锂电池可能会造成严重的火灾或爆炸风险. According to OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), that risk is increased if a battery has design defects, is made of low-quality materials, or is assembled incorrectly. And since those flaws may not be readily apparent, it is crucial to package and ship lithium batteries with great care.

Why Are Lithium Batteries Dangerous?

Lithium battery technology has been in use for more than 25 years, so you might expect it to be very safe. However, 现实情况是,以更低的价格将更多的能量装入更小的电池的压力似乎产生了相反的效果. 因此,锂电池内部发生不良反应的风险仍然很高.

锂电池包含一个隔板,防止组件相互接触. 如果隔板以某种方式损坏,电极接触,电池就会迅速升温. Lithium batteries also contain a flammable electrolyte. 如果温度过高,就会发生化学反应,导致所谓的热失控. In some cases, the result is a fire or explosion.

如果在装运的其他产品中出现包装不当或处理不当的电池出现这种情况, the results can be disastrous—not just in terms of property damage, but also in the risk to anyone in close proximity to the battery.

lithium battery for laptop

Lithium Batteries Are Considered Dangerous Goods

For the reasons described above, 联合国将锂电池列为“危险品”, Class 9.“有了这个标签,托运人就有责任确保锂电池的正确和安全处理.

这需要他们的特点的知识,也与专业包装工作, crating and shipping company like Craters & 了解挑战并具有危险货物安全处理经验的货运商. 我们有行业领先的专业知识,包装和运输危险品根据49 CFR, IMDG, IATA, and ICAO regulations, and can handle every detail of a lithium battery shipment.


运输用于汽车或其他用途的锂电池的关键第一步是将其妥善包装在坚固且耐损坏的容器中, and that can capture and retain any electrolyte leakage.

同样重要的是,锂电池的运输要有适当的标签,并有必要的随附文件. 我们的危险品专家会与您合作,确保您的货物被正确识别,以便任何接触到集装箱的人都知道它含有锂电池,并有相关的危险.

Lithium Battery Shipping for Manufacturing, Distribution or Recycling

Companies ship lithium batteries for many different reasons. In some cases, 他们需要将它们从一个地方运送到另一个地方,用于汽车制造等生产过程. 在其他情况下,托运人的角色只是将锂电池分发给最终用户.

锂电池也被运到回收中心进行处理. 这些不同的目的可能涉及不同的运输方式和集装箱. For example, when lithium batteries are shipped in the auto industry, there are typically multiple units that have to be safely transported, 而经销商可能只向终端用户发送一块电池.

Shipping Damaged or Defective Lithium Batteries

如果锂电池损坏或有缺陷,不能简单地丢弃. Typically, 它要么被送去修理,要么被运送到回收设施,在那里它可以安全拆除. 损坏或有缺陷的锂电池的运输尤其复杂. 这可能需要像crater这样的专业装箱、包装和运输公司 & 货轮使用集装箱和为此目的专门设计的程序.

lithium battery pack

Vetting a Company for Lithium Battery Shipping

你如何知道你正在考虑运输锂电池的公司是否合格? There are a few key characteristics to consider. First, how long has the company been in business? 一个最近才进入专业运输行业的组织可能不具备安全运输锂电池所需的专业知识水平.

其次,是公司的专业包装和制造服务的一个受人尊敬的供应商? 一长串满意的客户是一个很好的指标,表明企业提供了良好的客户服务, 遵守最后期限,并使用行业最佳实践来确保其运输的产品和接触这些产品的人员的安全.

最后,该公司是否有专门的危险品运输专业知识? Any shipping company can say they are able to ship lithium batteries. 如果一家公司不能提供许多成功的危险品运输项目的细节, they may not be the right provider for you.


锂电池是汽车和无数其他机器和设备的重要部件. 对生产这些产品的公司来说,将它们从一个地方运送到另一个地方至关重要. There are significant risks in shipping lithium batteries, but there are processes and procedures for ensuring it is done safely.

遵循这些程序和遵守法规指导方针的指导下,一个特殊的包装, crating and shipping company is the best way to protect your shipment, 它附带的其他产品和处理你的锂电池的人.

Craters & 货运公司在处理危险材料和锂电池等指定“危险货物”方面的悠久历史和丰富经验意味着您可以信任我们,确保您的货物安全到达目的地.